My name is Jamie Gregory and this website showcases all my art work of various mediums. I have graphic design, photography, basic design pieces, drawing and painting, and my senior project. Most of my work has been done inside of school but some are outside as well. I find that art is my way of expressing how I feel when words can't. It helps me grow and visually see how much I've improved if I look back on older art pieces. It makes me feel proud and confident when I produce a piece of art that I can say, "I did that!" I love the different expressions my art can bring to people's faces whether it's awe, surprise, deep in thought, or even confusion. It makes me want to see what they think and how they interpreted my art. I am so interested in how people take art and come up with their own story and how it can be completely different from mine or everyone else's. I think it's beautiful and intriguing!